چې صاحب د کل اختيار دى رب زما
همگي بزرگواران چې څوک يې وايي
تر همه ؤ بزرگوار دى رب زما
نه يې هيڅ حاجت په چا باندې موقوف دى
نه د هيچا منت بار دى رب زما
له نيستۍ يې د هستۍ صورت پېدا کړو
هسې رنگ پروردگار دى رب زما
هم صانع دى د جمله ؤ مصنوعاتو
هم سامع د هر گفتار دى رب زما
چې يې هيچرې نه مثل نه مثال شته
د هغو عطرو عطار دى رب زما
هر تعمير چې د دنيا او د عقبا دى
د همه واړو معمار دى رب زما
خواننده د نانويسو صحيفو دى
داننده د هر اسرار دى رب زما
که ظاهر دى که باطن دى که مابين دى
له همه ؤ خبردار دى رب زما
شريک نه لري په خپلې بادشاهۍ کې
بې شريکه شهريار دى رب زما
هسې نه چې واحدي يې ده له عجزه
په واحد وجود بسيار دى رب زما
حاجت نه لري د بل چا و يارۍ ته
له هغو سره چې يار دى رب زما
څه حاجت دى چې يې بل و خوا ته غواړم
په خپل کور کې همکنار دى رب زما
هيڅ تغير او تبديل نه لري رحمانه
تل تر تله برقرار دى رب زما
Look! My Lord is such a great doer of things,
That my Lord commands full authority.
Of great and virtuous people that one can name,
My Lord is beyond them all.
He is not dependent upon others for His needs;
My Lord owes nothing to anyone.
He created life from nothingness;
My Lord is this kind of creator.
He has fashioned all created things;
My Lord hears all speech.
Of which there is no similarity or likeness;
My Lord is the maker of such scents.
Of every structure in this world or the one to come;
My Lord is mason of them all.
He is the reader of unwritten scriptures;
My Lord is the knower of all secrets.
The overt, the covert and the part-known;
My Lord knows them all.
What is created, what is concealed, what is between;
My Lord is aware of them all.
He does not have any associate in His kingdom,
My Lord is a king without a partner.
His oneness is not due to weakness,
For my Lord is infinite in one body.
He needs friendship from no one,
Whose friend is my Lord.
I don’t need to look elsewhere,
For my Lord is with me in my home.
He is not transformed or changed O Rahmān!
My Lord is always constant.